What's the Right Stock for a Card?
We've all seen the ads for "free business cards." Some of us have even attempted to access this too-good-to-be-true offer. If we weren't put off by the need to accept on of the printers predetermined formats, we were probably appalled by the flimsy weight of the stock when we received our "free gift." Naturally, no one wants to look like they can't afford good substantial business cards. That would be a truly false economy. Still other printers are touting 16-point cover stock cards. That gives your prospects the opposite impression. It just looks like you are trying too hard. Sixteen point cards have a further drawback. They are so thick you can only get five or six in a standard card case. Forget about putting them into one of those vinyl business card files.
After years of experimentation, we find that our 14-point cover stock is about the perfect compromise. An 88-pound cover bristol is preferred by certain professions including attorneys and bankers. Although lighter in weight, it accepts foil stamping and blind embossing more readily.
Although our most popular product is a full-color, two sided, semigloss standard card, we can provide many customized cards at similar savings. They include:
  1. Folded cards, 3.5" x 4" folded to the standard 3.5" x 2". These can act as mini-brochures for clients who wish to deliver more data than a standard card can reasonably carry.
  2. Premium matte/textured paper stocks
  3. Both "inline foil" and foil stamping for a luxurious look and feel
  4. UV gloss and matte varnish to give a card greater dimension and subtlety.
Call or e-mail us for more details and a no-obligation estimate.
Can't I Just Go to One of the Sites That Provide Business Card Templates?
Of course you can. Millions of people do every year. But then millions of businesses fail every year, mostly because they ignore or rush through the vital aspects of sales promotion planning and execution. At Pacific Print Media you will be working with professionals who have years of experience in selling their client's goods and services. You won't get that kind of service from your local printer. Take a moment to review our Advertising Principals to Jump-start Your Business. It covers12 important principals of sales promotion that most entrepreneurs neglect and clearly explains why "canned" template business cards are a formula for failure.
Supercharge Your Business Card
There are several techniques for rewarding prospects for retaining and distributing your cards. Not all are appropriate to all industries.
  1. Print special cards that offer a specific discount for new customers/clients. Provide these to prospects at networking events as a first-order (transaction) incentive.

  2. Print special cards that offer a specific discount for returning customers/clients. Provide these to current clients as an incentive to return.

  3. Print special punch-cards that offer a free product or service after a customer/client has completed a predetermined number of transactions.

  4. Print a special card encoded with a unique number. Also include a special discount or gift-with purchase offer. Hand 10 cards to your best customers and tell them they will receive a valuable gift when five of the cards are returned by new customers/clients. They can offer their friends a valuable discount, recommend your goods or services and receive a gift for their trouble. You get the best form of advertising on the planet, a personal recommendation, and the opportunity to impress a new prospect.

  5. Include information important to your prospects on back of your card. This might include:
    1. Calendar of special or industry-related events
    2. Calendar of humorous holidays, as in Chases Calendar of Events
    3. Amortization schedules (Realtors - auto sales)
    4. Sports schedules (sporting goods retailers)
    5. BMI calculator (for personal trainers)
    6. Stain removal tips (dry cleaner)
    7. Provide emergency phone numbers
    8. Provide a coupon for another non-competing business, e.g., arrange for a free one-day gym membership or a discount on dinner
    9. Tipping guide for travelers

  6. Use the back of your card to provide important information about yourself:
    1. Pose interesting questions about your industry, put answers on your website
    2. List three powerful testimonials. Put real names and contact data on your website
    3. List any special licenses, degrees or awards you may have received. Provide background data on your website
    4. Provide a bulleted list of your most popular product's or service's features. Promise greater detail on your website
    5. Summarize your "elevator pitch"
    6. Explain or define jargon you may have used. For instance, what is estate planning, what does a business coach do?
    7. Provide before and after photos
    8. Display the brand names and logos of companies you represent
    9. Display the names and logos charities you support
    10. Display the names and logos of companies you serve

  7. Create a grid for the prospect to fill in data such as:
    1. Current prescriptions and dosage
    2. Emergency and doctor's numbers
    3. Persons to notify in an emergency
Remember, you can always contact us with your questions or concerns at: info@pacprint.com or call (415) 558-8902, Monday thru Friday from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Pacific Time